
NYC Reads 365


NYC Reads 365 is a citywide program aimed at encouraging children to read for fun by helping them find interesting high-quality books for independent reading.

The centerpiece of NYC Reads 365 is a collection of reading lists for students, including—for the first time ever—books recommended by students, families, NYCDOE educators, and community members. School communities shared their suggestions via an open survey in the fall of 2019, leading to lists that reflect a wide range of diverse perspectives, genres, formats, styles, and subject matter.

Learn about new books, find out how you can support your child in becoming an engaged and lifelong reader, and help your child find a great book to read. Together, we are making New York City a community of readers — 365 days a year!

Book Lists

At-home Activities

See what you can do at home to encourage your student to read, 365 days a year!